Monday, June 20, 2016

Avocado, dogs, and the Egyptians

I think one of the hardest things to get used to for me is the fact that in Santiago it is never quiet. One would imagine that would be due to the cars, people, or traffic, but surprisingly enough the biggest noise factor is the dogs. Right dogs, no big deal, lots of people have them in the United States but not like this. Most households have at least a handful of outside dogs for security reasons, for example in my house they have 5. So lets say on average each house has 3 dogs. Multiply that by 6 and you have about the amount of houses on a city block. Now add one ambulance or car that honks its horn and you have 18 dogs howling in sync at 3 in the morning. I adore dogs, but this is something I'm still getting used to.

On another note, something that wasn't hard to get used to was all of the avocado!! Frankly the avocado that makes its way up to Minnesota is pretty nasty and finding a good avocado is like finding a diamond. I eat avocado nearly every day and I have yet to find a rotten one. Esto es felicidad. <3

This is kind of a hodge podge post so I might as well talk about the Egyptians as well. I recently went to an exposition at the Centro Cultural La Moneda in Santiago that was showing Egyptian artifacts. There were steles, jewelry and sculptures of a large variety of sizes. Here are some pictures...

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